Monday, February 2, 2015

All my icons changed to Word icon.

All Your Desktop Icons Turned Into Word Icon.

I was working in my office when one of my co-worker asked me "Why all my desktop icons turned into Microsoft Word icon?" They asked me if they have to reformat everything in order to restore their computer to its original format, the answer is definitely "NO". Manually you can fix this problem easily.

This is the easy way to fix this problem when you come to encounter it. Just follow carefully the following steps. I've done this on Windows 7 operating system.

1. Press Start and click on "Search programs and files" box just beside the Start button.

2. Type "regedit" (stands for registry editor) then press Enter.

3. When the Registry Editor window opens
     - click until you arrive at the last folder (which is the .lnk folder)  HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\FileExts\.lnk
     - then delete the sub-folder under the .lnk folder (note: do not delete the .lnk folder itself)

In my co-workers computer I found this sub-folder "UserChoice" under the .lnk folder and its content was: 

" Progid         REG_SZ         Applications\Winword.exe "

I think this means that all applications in your computer will use the Winword.exe to open. And that should not be the process. Delete this "UserChoice" folder.

4. That's all, close the Registry Editor and restart your computer and everything will be back to normal.

You may ask help from a person with knowledge in editing the Registry Editor if your not familiar with it. You will create more problems if you deleted the wrong folder.

Thanks and Hope you learn from my post.

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